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HYBRID Honda 450R 04-14 framed Honda CRF 450 electric start Big Fan Kit HYBRID Honda 450R 04-14 framed Honda CRF 450 electric start Big Fan Kit full shroud best for XC racing and trail riding wired with our coolant line 200 sensor and sensor holder spot for TTO sensor.

HYBRID Honda 450R 04-14 framed Honda CRF 450 electric start Big Fan Kit

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$ 425.00

HYBRID Honda 450R 04-14 framed Honda CRF 450 electric start Big Fan Kit full shroud best for XC racing and trail riding wired with our coolant line 200 sensor and sensor holder spot for TTO sensor.

Product Detail:

HYBRID Honda 450R 04-14 framed Honda CRF 450 electric start Big Fan Kit full shroud best for XC racing and trail riding wired with our coolant line 200 sensor and sensor holder that has a spot for the Trail Tech TTO sensor. The CRF motor do not have a thermostat to control the cold side, so you have to use a coolant line sensor to turn the fan on at 200 degrees and turns the fan off at 190 degrees. 600 CFM. Wired for front battery mount if battery is in the factory location please call our office line at 515-528-9056 and let us know where your battery is.

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