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TRX450ER 2006-2014 ER Only! Dual Fan Kit with Handlebar Power Switch & Turn on & off Auto Version. Left fan is wired to turn on and off automatically from the factory fan temperature sensor. The right fan gets power from the battery and you turn it on and off from a handlebar power switch.

TRX450ER 2006-2014 ER Only! Dual Fan Kit with Handlebar Power Switch & Turn on & off Auto Version.

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$ 300.00

Left fan is wired to turn on and off automatically from the factory fan temperature sensor. The right fan gets power from the battery and you turn it on and off from a handlebar power switch.

Product Detail:

TRX450ER 2006-2014  ER Only!  Dual Fan Kit with Handlebar Power Switch &  turn on and off from the factury tempature sensor Version.  Left fan is wired to turn on and off automatically from the factory fan temperature sensor. The right fan gets power from the battery and you turn it on and off from a handlebar power switch.

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