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YFZ450 Carb. Lower Temp Fan Sensor Relocation Kit 200. This kit will allow your factory fan or larger aftermarket fan to come on at approximately 200 degrees instead of the factory temperature sensor at 239 degrees.

YFZ450 Carb. Lower Temp Fan Sensor Relocation Kit 200.

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$ 120.00

This kit will allow your factory fan or larger aftermarket fan to come on at approximately 200 degrees instead of the factory temperature sensor at 239 degrees.

Product Detail:

YFZ450 Carb.  Lower Temp Fan Sensor Relocation Kit 200.  This kit will allow your factory fan or larger aftermarket fan to come on at approximately 200 degrees instead of the factory temperature sensor at 239 degrees. You install the temp sensor on the left side or hot inlet side, instead of the Factory Yamaha right side or cold out let side.

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