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YFZ450 Carb Dual Fan Kit with Dual Sensors. (Must have high aftermarket output stator) Must have an aftermarket high output stator to power this kit! Dual Fan Kit with Dual Sensors for YFZ450 Carb. Carb model does not have a thermostat to control the cold side of the coolant. more....

YFZ450 Carb Dual Fan Kit with Dual Sensors. (Must have high aftermarket output stator)

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$ 400.00

Must have an aftermarket high output stator to power this kit! Dual Fan Kit with Dual Sensors for YFZ450 Carb. Carb model does not have a thermostat to control the cold side of the coolant. more....

Product Detail:

This Kit powers each fan with it's own sensors to keep your engine coolan temperature under control for maximum horsepower. 

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